Julio a brother in Christ, giving a brief testimony of how his life was before Christ and what God brought him out from.
He used to be a Satan worshiper with a pentagram carved on his arm, but the Lord had other plans and completely transformed him. When he said God scraped him from the bottom of the barrel, he really means it! I can’t begin to imagine the suffering and pain he went through to carve that into his arm, but I’m so thankful to God who is able to do the impossible. He preaches because he is genuinely in love with Jesus and wants the masses saved.
If you haven’t yet given your life to Christ and never experienced the fullness of God’s love and forgiveness give your life to Jesus today! He’s just a prayer away. God loves you! Don’t lose hope. You’re not alone. God has and will always be with you. Now is your moment. Your season to start trusting Him and following Him with all your heart.